Corrector Spelling, Grammar, Rewrite and More! Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:10:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Passer Conjugation Present Tense – French Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:09:10 +0000 About The French verb passer

Meaning of passer

The French verb “passer” in the present tense means “to pass” or “to go by.”


  1. Je passe devant chez toi. (I am passing by your house.)

  2. Nous passons un bon moment ensemble. (We are having a good time together.)

  3. Tu passes trop de temps sur ton téléphone. (You spend too much time on your phone.)

  4. La voiture passe le feu rouge. (The car is running the red light.)

  5. Ils passent leurs vacances à la plage. (They are spending their vacation at the beach.)

Main Uses of the Verb Passer

The French verb “passer” has many uses. It can mean to pass by or go past something, like “Je passe devant l’école” which means “I pass by the school.” It also can mean to spend time, as in “Je passe du temps avec mes amis” meaning “I spend time with my friends.” “Passer” can also mean to take an exam, like “Je passe un examen” which means “I take an exam.” Lastly, it can mean to hand something to someone, such as “Peux-tu me passer le sel?” which means “Can you pass me the salt?”

Differences Compared to English

In French, “passer” can mean to spend time, to pass by, or to take an exam. For example, you might say “Je vais passer le week-end chez mes grands-parents” which means “I will spend the weekend at my grandparents’.” In English, “pass” usually means to go by something or to succeed in a test. For instance, you might say “I passed the ball” or “I passed my math test.” So, while “passer” and “pass” have similar meanings, “passer” is used in a wider variety of situations in French.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Passer

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je passe Je passe mes vacances en France. I spend my vacation in France.
tu passes Tu passes du temps avec tes amis. You spend time with your friends.
il passe Il passe son examen demain. He takes his exam tomorrow.
elle passe Elle passe sa journée au travail. She spends her day at work.
on passe On passe une bonne soirée. We have a good evening.
nous passons Nous passons l’après-midi au parc. We spend the afternoon at the park.
vous passez Vous passez vos vacances en Grèce. You spend your vacation in Greece.
ils passent Ils passent leurs vacances à la plage. They spend their vacation at the beach.
elles passent Elles passent leur temps ensemble. They spend time together.

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Passer Present Conjugation Chart
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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: aimer conjugated in French present tense or etre conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full passer conjugation in all tenses.

Aimer Conjugation Present Tense – French Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:07:59 +0000 About The French verb aimer

Meaning of aimer

The French verb “aimer” means “to love” or “to like” in the present tense. It is used to express feelings of affection, enjoyment, or preference towards someone or something.


  1. Je aime la musique. (I love music.)
  2. Tu aimes les chiens. (You like dogs.)
  3. Il/Elle aime les vacances. (He/She loves vacations.)
  4. Nous aimons danser. (We like to dance.)
  5. Vous aimez le chocolat. (You like chocolate.)

Main Uses of the Verb Aimer

The French verb “aimer” means “to like” or “to love.” You can use it to talk about liking things, like “J’aime le chocolat,” which means “I like chocolate.” It can also mean loving people, such as “J’aime ma famille,” which means “I love my family.” Sometimes, the meaning depends on the context. For example, “J’aime bien ce film” usually means “I quite like this movie,” which is a bit less strong than just “J’aime ce film.”

Differences Compared to English

In French, “aimer” can mean both “to like” and “to love,” depending on the context. For example, “J’aime le chocolat” means “I like chocolate,” while “J’aime ma mère” means “I love my mom.” In English, we have separate words for these feelings: “like” for things we enjoy and “love” for people or things we feel very strongly about. So, French uses one word where English uses two different words to show different levels of feeling.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Aimer

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je aime Je aime la musique. I love music.
tu aimes Tu aimes danser. You love to dance.
il aime Il aime les animaux. He loves animals.
elle aime Elle aime la nature. She loves nature.
on aime On aime voyager. We love to travel.
nous aimons Nous aimons lire. We love to read.
vous aimez Vous aimez le cinéma. You love cinema.
ils aiment Ils aiment jouer au foot. They love playing soccer.
elles aiment Elles aiment cuisiner. They love to cook.

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Aimer Present Conjugation Chart
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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: parler conjugated in French present tense or passer conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full aimer conjugation in all tenses.

Parler Conjugation Present Tense – French Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:06:50 +0000 About The French verb parler

Meaning of parler

The French verb “parler” means “to speak” or “to talk” in the present tense. Some examples of its usage in present tense sentences are:

  1. Je parle français. (I speak French.)
  2. Tu parles souvent avec tes amis. (You often talk with your friends.)
  3. Il parle très rapidement. (He speaks very quickly.)
  4. Elle parle couramment l’espagnol. (She speaks Spanish fluently.)
  5. Nous parlons de nos vacances. (We talk about our vacations.)
  6. Vous parlez plusieurs langues. (You speak multiple languages.)
  7. Ils parlent avec leur professeur. (They talk with their teacher.)
  8. Elles parlent en chuchotant. (They speak in whispers.)
  9. On parle beaucoup de cette nouvelle loi. (People are talking a lot about this new law.)
  10. Les enfants parlent tout le temps. (The children are always talking.)

Main Uses of the Verb Parler

The French verb “parler” means “to talk” or “to speak.” People use it when they want to say that someone is talking, like “Il parle anglais” (He speaks English). You can also use it to say that you are talking about a specific topic, like “Nous parlons de sports” (We are talking about sports). If you need to ask someone to speak or talk, you can say “Peux-tu parler plus fort?” (Can you speak louder?). It’s a very common verb and important for having conversations in French.

Differences Compared to English

In French, “parler” means “to speak” or “to talk,” and it is used to describe the act of talking in general. For example, “Je parle français” means “I speak French.” In English, “Parler” is the name of a social media platform where people can share their thoughts and opinions. So, while “parler” in French is a common verb used in conversation, in English, it refers to a specific online service.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Parler

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je parle Je parle français. I speak French.
tu parles Tu parles beaucoup. You talk a lot.
il parle Il parle lentement. He speaks slowly.
elle parle Elle parle bien. She speaks well.
on parle On parle ensemble. We talk together.
nous parlons Nous parlons demain. We will talk tomorrow.
vous parlez Vous parlez anglais. You speak English.
ils parlent Ils parlent souvent. They talk often.
elles parlent Elles parlent espagnol. They speak Spanish.

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Parler Present Conjugation Chart
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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: donner conjugated in French present tense or aimer conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full parler conjugation in all tenses.

Donner Conjugation Present Tense – French Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:05:50 +0000 About The French verb donner

Meaning of donner

The French verb donner means “to give” in the present tense. It is an irregular verb and its conjugation in the present tense is as follows:

Je donne
Tu donnes
Il/Elle donne
Nous donnons
Vous donnez
Ils/Elles donnent

Here are a few examples of its usage in present tense sentences:

  1. Je donne un cadeau à mon ami. – I give a gift to my friend.
  2. Tu donnes toujours de bons conseils. – You always give good advice.
  3. Elle donne des cours de danse. – She teaches dance classes.
  4. Nous donnons notre temps pour aider les autres. – We give our time to help others.
  5. Ils donnent de l’argent à une association caritative. – They give money to a charity.

Main Uses of the Verb Donner

The French verb “donner” means “to give.” People use it to say they are giving something to someone else, like a gift or advice. For example, you might say “Je donne un cadeau” which means “I give a gift.” It can also be used in phrases like “donner des conseils,” which means “to give advice.” Additionally, “donner” can express lending or donating items.

Differences Compared to English

In French, “donner” means “to give,” just like in English. However, “donner” can be used in more ways in French. For example, “donner un coup de main” means “to give a hand,” or help out. Also, in French, you might say “donner un conseil” to mean “give advice.” In English, we don’t use “give” in these expressions as often.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Donner

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je donne Je donne mon livre. I give my book.
tu donnes Tu donnes des conseils. You give advice.
il donne Il donne son avis. He gives his opinion.
elle donne Elle donne une fleur. She gives a flower.
on donne On donne des cadeaux. We give gifts.
nous donnons Nous donnons de l’argent. We give money.
vous donnez Vous donnez du temps. You give time.
ils donnent Ils donnent des cours. They give classes.
elles donnent Elles donnent des bonbons. They give candies.

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Donner Present Conjugation Chart
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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: parler conjugated in French present tense or trouver conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full donner conjugation in all tenses.

Trouver Conjugation Present Tense – French Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:04:50 +0000 About The French verb trouver

Meaning of trouver

The French verb “trouver” means “to find” in the present tense. Some examples of its usage in present tense sentences are:

  1. Je trouve mon porte-monnaie. (I find my wallet.)
  2. Il trouve les clés de la voiture. (He finds the car keys.)
  3. Elle trouve son livre préféré. (She finds her favorite book.)
  4. Nous trouvons une bonne solution. (We find a good solution.)
  5. Vous trouvez toujours une excuse. (You always find an excuse.)

Main Uses of the Verb Trouver

The French verb “trouver” means “to find.” People use it when they are talking about finding something that was lost or discovering something new. For example, you might say “Je trouve mes clés” which means “I find my keys.” You can also use “trouver” to express an opinion, like “Je trouve ce livre intéressant,” which means “I find this book interesting.” So, “trouver” is useful for both finding things and sharing what you think about something.

Differences Compared to English

In French, “trouver” means “to find.” It’s used for discovering or coming across something, just like in English. For example, “Je trouve mon livre” means “I find my book.” However, “trouver” can also mean “to think” or “to feel” about something. For example, “Je trouve ça intéressant” translates to “I think that’s interesting.”

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Trouver

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je trouve Je trouve un cadeau. I find a gift.
tu trouves Tu trouves des réponses. You find some answers.
il trouve Il trouve la solution. He finds the solution.
elle trouve Elle trouve un travail. She finds a job.
on trouve On trouve une excuse. We find an excuse.
nous trouvons Nous trouvons une maison. We find a house.
vous trouvez Vous trouvez le chemin. You find the way.
ils trouvent Ils trouvent l’argent. They find the money.
elles trouvent Elles trouvent du temps. They find some time.

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Trouver Present Conjugation Chart
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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: mettre conjugated in French present tense or donner conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full trouver conjugation in all tenses.

Mettre Conjugation Present Tense – French Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:03:41 +0000 About The French verb mettre

Meaning of mettre

The French verb mettre means “to put” or “to place” in English. It is a regular -re verb, and its conjugation in the present tense is:

je mets
tu mets
il/elle met
nous mettons
vous mettez
ils/elles mettent

Here are a few examples of how mettre is used in the present tense:

  1. Je mets mes chaussures. (I put on my shoes.)
  2. Tu mets du sucre dans ton café. (You put sugar in your coffee.)
  3. Elle met ses lunettes pour lire. (She puts on her glasses to read.)
  4. Nous mettons la table pour le dîner. (We set the table for dinner.)
  5. Ils mettent leur manteau avant de sortir. (They put on their coats before going out.)

Main Uses of the Verb Mettre

The French verb “mettre” is quite versatile and has many uses. It most commonly means “to put” or “to place” something somewhere. For example, you might use it to say you put your book on the table. “Mettre” can also mean “to wear” when talking about clothes. So, you could say you are putting on a jacket. Additionally, “mettre” can mean “to turn on” a device, like when you put on the TV.

Differences Compared to English

“Mettre” is a French verb that means “to put” or “to place.” In English, we use “put” for similar actions, like putting something on a table. However, “mettre” can also mean to wear clothing or to turn on devices, which isn’t the same in English. For example, you say “mettre une veste” to mean “put on a jacket” and “mettre la télé” to mean “turn on the TV.” So, while both words are about placing or positioning things, “mettre” has more uses in French than “put” does in English.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Mettre

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je mets Je mets la table. I am setting the table.
tu mets Tu mets ta veste. You put on your jacket.
il met Il met ses chaussures. He puts on his shoes.
elle met Elle met du sucre. She puts sugar.
on met On met la musique. We put on music.
nous mettons Nous mettons nos bagages. We put our luggage.
vous mettez Vous mettez la télévision. You turn on the TV.
ils mettent Ils mettent leurs manteaux. They put on their coats.
elles mettent Elles mettent de la crème. They put on cream.

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Mettre Present Conjugation Chart
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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: prendre conjugated in French present tense or trouver conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full mettre conjugation in all tenses.

Prendre Conjugation Present Tense – French Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:02:19 +0000 About The French verb prendre

Meaning of prendre

The French verb prendre means “to take” in the present tense.


  1. Je prends le train. (I take the train.)
  2. Tu prends une pause. (You take a break.)
  3. Il prend un café. (He takes a coffee.)
  4. Elle prend des notes. (She takes notes.)
  5. Nous prenons nos vacances en été. (We take our vacation in the summer.)

Main Uses of the Verb Prendre

The French verb “prendre” means “to take.” You use it when you want to say you are picking up something, like “Je prends un stylo” (I take a pen). It’s also used for transportation, like “prendre le bus” (to take the bus). You can use it for eating or drinking too, like “prendre le petit déjeuner” (to have breakfast). Lastly, it’s handy for showing that you’re taking action, like “prendre une décision” (to make a decision).

Differences Compared to English

In French, the verb “prendre” means “to take,” but it is used in different ways compared to English. For example, French people say “prendre un repas” to mean “have a meal,” while in English, we would use “have” instead of “take.” In French, you might also hear “prendre un bus” for “take a bus,” which is similar to English. However, “prendre froid” means “to catch a cold,” showing another difference. These variations show that even simple verbs can change a lot between languages.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Prendre

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je prends Je prends le train. I take the train.
tu prends Tu prends un café. You drink a coffee.
il prend Il prend son temps. He takes his time.
elle prend Elle prend des notes. She takes notes.
on prend On prend le bus. We take the bus.
nous prenons Nous prenons le petit-déjeuner ensemble. We have breakfast together.
vous prenez Vous prenez un sandwich. You eat a sandwich.
ils prennent Ils prennent des photos. They take photos.
elles prennent Elles prennent un bain. They take a bath.

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Prendre Present Conjugation Chart
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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: croire conjugated in French present tense or mettre conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full prendre conjugation in all tenses.

Croire Conjugation Present Tense – French Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:01:10 +0000 About The French verb croire

Meaning of croire

The French verb croire means “to believe” in English. Here are a few simple examples of its usage in the present tense:

  • Je crois en toi. (I believe in you.)
  • Elle croit en Dieu. (She believes in God.)
  • Nous croyons en l’amour éternel. (We believe in eternal love.)
  • Vous croyez en vos capacités. (You believe in your abilities.)
  • Ils ne croient pas à cette théorie. (They don’t believe in this theory.)

Main Uses of the Verb Croire

The French verb “croire” means “to believe.” It can be used when you are talking about believing in something, like a fact or an idea. For example, you might say, “Je crois en toi,” which means “I believe in you.” You can also use “croire” to talk about thinking something is true, like saying, “Je crois que c’est vrai” (I believe it is true). Additionally, “croire” is often used in expressions about faith, like “croire en Dieu” (to believe in God).

Differences Compared to English

In French, “croire” means “to believe” and is used in some different ways than in English. For example, “croire en” means to trust or have faith in someone or something, like “croire en Dieu” (believe in God). In English, we might just say “believe” without needing the “en.” Also, in French, you can use “croire” with a direct object to mean thinking something is true, like “Je crois cette histoire” (I believe this story). In English, we often use “think” or “believe” without an extra word, making it a bit simpler.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Croire

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je crois Je crois en toi. I believe in you.
tu crois Tu crois à cette histoire. You believe in this story.
il croit Il croit en Dieu. He believes in God.
elle croit Elle croit en la science. She believes in science.
on croit On croit en l’amour. We believe in love.
nous croyons Nous croyons en la justice. We believe in justice.
vous croyez Vous croyez en la paix. You believe in peace.
ils croient Ils croient en la liberté. They believe in freedom.
elles croient Elles croient en la tolérance. They believe in tolerance.

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Croire Present Conjugation Chart
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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: falloir conjugated in French present tense or prendre conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full croire conjugation in all tenses.

Falloir Conjugation Present Tense – French Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:00:10 +0000 About The French verb falloir

Meaning of falloir

The verb falloir in the present tense is an impersonal verb that means “to be necessary” or “must.”


  1. Il faut partir maintenant. (It is necessary to leave now.)
  2. Il me faut de l’argent. (I need money.)
  3. Il faut que j’étudie. (I have to study.)
  4. Il faut que tu viennes avec nous. (You must come with us.)
  5. Il faut être patient. (Patience is necessary.)

Main Uses of the Verb Falloir

The French verb “falloir” is mostly used to talk about something that is necessary or required. It is an impersonal verb, which means it only has one form: “il faut,” meaning “it is necessary.” For example, you might say “Il faut étudier pour réussir,” which means “It is necessary to study to succeed.” You can also use it to give advice, like “Il faut manger des légumes,” meaning “You should eat vegetables.” Overall, “falloir” helps you talk about things that need to happen or things people should do.

Differences Compared to English

In French, “falloir” is a special verb that means “to be necessary” or “to have to.” It’s different from English because it doesn’t change much and is mostly used in the phrase “il faut,” which means “it is necessary” or “one must.” For example, “Il faut manger des légumes” translates to “One must eat vegetables.” Unlike English, French doesn’t use “falloir” with different subjects like “I” or “you”; it’s always impersonal. So, remember, “falloir” always stays the same and tells us what needs to be done in a general sense.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Falloir

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je il faut Il faut travailler. I have to work.
tu il faut Il faut manger. You have to eat.
il il faut Il faut dormir. He has to sleep.
elle il faut Il faut étudier. She has to study.
on il faut Il faut faire du sport. We have to do sports.
nous il faut Il faut partir. We have to leave.
vous il faut Il faut être prudent. You have to be careful.
ils il faut Il faut travailler. They have to work.
elles il faut Il faut boire de l’eau. They have to drink water.

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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: devoir conjugated in French present tense or croire conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full falloir conjugation in all tenses.

Devoir Conjugation Present Tense – French Sun, 22 Sep 2024 13:59:00 +0000 About The French verb devoir

Meaning of devoir

The French verb “devoir” in the present tense means “to have to” or “must.” It is used to express obligation, necessity, or duty.


  1. Je dois étudier pour l’examen. (I have to study for the exam.)
  2. Elle doit aller à l’école tous les jours. (She must go to school every day.)
  3. Nous devons finir ce projet avant demain. (We have to finish this project before tomorrow.)
  4. Vous devez respecter les règles. (You must respect the rules.)
  5. Ils doivent être ici à 8 heures. (They have to be here at 8 o’clock.)

Main Uses of the Verb Devoir

The French verb “devoir” is mostly used to talk about things you have to do or things you owe. When you use it with another verb, it means “must” or “have to.” For example, “Je dois faire mes devoirs” means “I have to do my homework.” It can also mean “to owe” when you talk about money or favors, like “Je te dois dix euros” which means “I owe you ten euros.” So, “devoir” helps you say what you need to do and what you owe to others.

Differences Compared to English

In French, “devoir” is a verb that means “must” or “have to.” It shows that something is necessary or a duty. For example, “Je dois faire mes devoirs” means “I have to do my homework.” In English, “devoir” is not a common word, but when it is used, it means “duty” or “obligation” and is usually found in more formal contexts. So, while in French it is mostly used as a verb, in English it is a noun and not used as often.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Devoir

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je dois Je dois finir mon travail. I have to finish my work.
tu dois Tu dois m’aider. You have to help me.
il doit Il doit étudier. He has to study.
elle doit Elle doit partir. She has to leave.
on doit On doit se dépêcher. We have to hurry.
nous devons Nous devons nous amuser. We have to have fun.
vous devez Vous devez travailler. You have to work.
ils doivent Ils doivent se préparer. They have to prepare.
elles doivent Elles doivent arriver. They have to arrive.

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Devoir Present Conjugation Chart
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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: venir conjugated in French present tense or falloir conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full devoir conjugation in all tenses.
