Meaning of Déscolariser – French Verb

Déscolariser means to unenroll or withdraw from school.

Examples of déscolariser in Every Day Usage

  1. J’ai décidé de déscolariser mes enfants pour leur permettre de suivre une éducation alternative. (I have decided to unenroll/take my children out of school in order to give them an alternative education.)
  2. La crise sanitaire a contraint de nombreux parents à déscolariser leurs enfants et à opter pour l’enseignement à distance. (The health crisis has forced many parents to unenroll/take their children out of school and opt for distance learning.)
  3. Le taux de déscolarisation est en hausse dans certaines régions rurales en raison du manque d’infrastructures scolaires. (The rate of unenrollment is increasing in some rural areas due to the lack of school infrastructure.)

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