Meaning of Fiscaliser – French Verb

Fiscaliser means to tax.

Examples of fiscaliser in Every Day Usage

  1. Le gouvernement a décidé de fiscaliser les revenus des travailleurs indépendants pour augmenter ses recettes fiscales. (The government has decided to tax the incomes of self-employed workers to increase its tax revenues.)

  2. La société a dû fiscaliser ses bénéfices en tant que personne morale après avoir atteint un certain seuil de chiffre d’affaires. (The company had to declare its profits as a legal entity after reaching a certain turnover threshold.)

  3. Les propriétaires doivent fiscaliser les revenus qu’ils tirent de la location de leur bien immobilier. (Landlords are required to declare the income they earn from renting out their property.)

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