Meaning of Hannetonner – French Verb

Hannetonner means to act like a “hanneton”, which is a type of beetle known for its erratic and clumsy movements. It can be used figuratively to mean to act in a clumsy or awkward manner.

Examples of hannetonner in Every Day Usage

  1. Je ne veux pas hannetonner avec toi, je préfère m’en aller. (I don’t want to argue with you, I’d rather leave.)

  2. Il a passé toute la journée à hannetonner sur son ordinateur. (He spent the whole day tinkering on his computer.)

  3. Arrête de hannetonner, il faut se dépêcher si on veut arriver à temps. (Stop wasting time, we need to hurry if we want to arrive on time.)

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