Meaning of Incidenter – French Verb

Incidenter means to mention/incidentally mention.

Examples of incidenter in Every Day Usage

  1. Je vais avoir du mal à finir mon travail à temps si mes collègues continuent de m’incidenter avec des questions sans arrêt. (I’m going to have a hard time finishing my work on time if my colleagues keep interrupting me with constant questions.)

  2. L’actrice a été surprise en train de se déguiser pour passer incognito mais les paparazzis l’ont incidentée avant qu’elle ne puisse sortir. (The actress was caught trying to disguise herself to go incognito but the paparazzi stopped her before she could leave.)

  3. Le train a été retardé à cause d’un incident technique sur les rails, ce qui a incidenté le voyage de nombreux passagers. (The train was delayed due to a technical issue on the tracks, disrupting the journey of many passengers.)

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