Meaning of Merceriser – French Verb

Merceriser means to treat cotton or linen with a caustic soda solution to give it a lustrous appearance and increased strength.

Examples of merceriser in Every Day Usage

  1. Je vais merceriser tous mes vêtements blancs pour leur donner un éclat plus brillant. (I am going to mercerize all of my white clothes to give them a brighter shine.)
  2. On utilise souvent la technique de mercerisage pour renforcer les fils de coton dans l’industrie textile. (The process of mercerization is often used to strengthen cotton threads in the textile industry.)
  3. Ma grand-mère m’a appris à merceriser mes tricots pour qu’ils gardent leur forme et leur douceur après le lavage. (My grandmother taught me how to mercerize my knits so they keep their shape and softness after washing.)

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