Meaning of Nazifier – French Verb

Nazifier means to turn someone or something into a follower or supporter of Nazism.

Examples of nazifier in Every Day Usage

  1. Les dirigeants du pays ont décidé de nazifier l’éducation en imposant des manuels scolaires qui glorifient le régime nazi. (The leaders of the country have decided to nazify education by imposing textbooks that glorify the Nazi regime.)
  2. Certains groupes extrémistes tentent de nazifier la société en propageant des idées racistes et discriminatoires. (Some extremist groups are trying to nazify society by spreading racist and discriminatory ideas.)
  3. Les médias internationaux ont accusé le gouvernement de nazifier les politiques d’immigration en refusant l’accès aux réfugiés. (International media have accused the government of nazifying immigration policies by denying access to refugees.)

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