Meaning of Palataliser – French Verb

Palataliser means to change a consonant sound to a palatal or front vowel sound.

Examples of palataliser in Every Day Usage

  1. En prononçant le mot “gel”, palatalisez le son “g” pour qu’il sonne comme “jel”. (When pronouncing the word “gel”, palatalize the sound “g” so that it sounds like “jel”.)

  2. La langue française palatalise souvent les sons “t” et “d” avant les voyelles “i” et “e”. (The French language often palatalizes the sounds “t” and “d” before the vowels “i” and “e”.)

  3. Pour articuler correctement le son “gn”, il faut palataliser le “g” en le faisant vibrer avec le dos de la langue. (To articulate the sound “gn” correctly, you must palatalize the “g” by vibrating it with the back of the tongue.)

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