Meaning of Vulgariser – French Verb

Vulgariser means to popularize or make something more accessible to the general public.

Examples of vulgariser in Every Day Usage

  1. “Je travaille dans le domaine de la science et mon rôle est de vulgariser les concepts complexes pour les rendre accessibles au grand public.” – “I work in the field of science and my job is to simplify complex concepts in order to make them more accessible to the general public.”

  2. “L’émission de télévision vise à vulgariser les dernières avancées technologiques afin que tout le monde puisse les comprendre.” – “The TV show aims to popularize the latest technological advancements so that everyone can understand them.”

  3. “Le professeur doit vulgariser son cours pour que les élèves de différentes classes puissent le comprendre.” – “The teacher must simplify his course so that students from different classes can understand it.”

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