Mettre Conjugation Present Tense – French

About The French verb mettre

Meaning of mettre

The French verb mettre means “to put” or “to place” in English. It is a regular -re verb, and its conjugation in the present tense is:

je mets
tu mets
il/elle met
nous mettons
vous mettez
ils/elles mettent

Here are a few examples of how mettre is used in the present tense:

  1. Je mets mes chaussures. (I put on my shoes.)
  2. Tu mets du sucre dans ton café. (You put sugar in your coffee.)
  3. Elle met ses lunettes pour lire. (She puts on her glasses to read.)
  4. Nous mettons la table pour le dîner. (We set the table for dinner.)
  5. Ils mettent leur manteau avant de sortir. (They put on their coats before going out.)

Main Uses of the Verb Mettre

The French verb “mettre” is quite versatile and has many uses. It most commonly means “to put” or “to place” something somewhere. For example, you might use it to say you put your book on the table. “Mettre” can also mean “to wear” when talking about clothes. So, you could say you are putting on a jacket. Additionally, “mettre” can mean “to turn on” a device, like when you put on the TV.

Differences Compared to English

“Mettre” is a French verb that means “to put” or “to place.” In English, we use “put” for similar actions, like putting something on a table. However, “mettre” can also mean to wear clothing or to turn on devices, which isn’t the same in English. For example, you say “mettre une veste” to mean “put on a jacket” and “mettre la télé” to mean “turn on the TV.” So, while both words are about placing or positioning things, “mettre” has more uses in French than “put” does in English.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Mettre

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je mets Je mets la table. I am setting the table.
tu mets Tu mets ta veste. You put on your jacket.
il met Il met ses chaussures. He puts on his shoes.
elle met Elle met du sucre. She puts sugar.
on met On met la musique. We put on music.
nous mettons Nous mettons nos bagages. We put our luggage.
vous mettez Vous mettez la télévision. You turn on the TV.
ils mettent Ils mettent leurs manteaux. They put on their coats.
elles mettent Elles mettent de la crème. They put on cream.

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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: prendre conjugated in French present tense or trouver conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full mettre conjugation in all tenses.

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