Dire Conjugation Present Tense – French

About The French verb dire

Meaning of dire

The French verb dire means “to say” or “to tell” in the present tense. Some examples of its usage are:

  1. Je dis la vérité. (I am telling the truth.)
  2. Tu dis toujours ça. (You always say that.)
  3. Il/Elle dit qu’il/elle va bien. (He/She says he/she is doing well.)
  4. Nous disons bonjour à nos voisins. (We say hello to our neighbors.)
  5. Vous dites souvent des blagues. (You often tell jokes.)
  6. Ils/Elles disent qu’ils/elles ont faim. (They say they are hungry.)
  7. Mon amie me dit tout. (My friend tells me everything.)
  8. Le professeur ne dit rien. (The teacher doesn’t say anything.)
  9. Je vous dis au revoir avant de partir. (I am saying goodbye before leaving.)
  10. Les enfants disent toujours la vérité. (Children always tell the truth.)

Main Uses of the Verb Dire

The French verb “dire” means “to say” or “to tell.” People use it to share information or express what someone else has said. For example, you might say, “Il dit bonjour,” which means “He says hello.” It can also be used in questions like, “Qu’est-ce qu’elle a dit?” meaning “What did she say?” Overall, “dire” is useful for talking about speech, thoughts, and communication.

Differences Compared to English

In English, the word “dire” means something very serious or urgent, like a dire emergency or dire consequences. In French, “dire” is a verb that simply means “to say” or “to tell.” So when you hear “dire” in French, it’s usually just part of normal conversation, like “Il a dit” which means “He said.” The two words sound the same but are used very differently in each language.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Dire

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je dis Je dis la vérité. I tell the truth.
tu dis Tu dis souvent des blagues. You tell jokes often.
il dit Il dit toujours oui. He always says yes.
elle dit Elle dit qu’elle va bien. She says she is doing well.
on dit On dit que c’est difficile. We say it’s difficult.
nous disons Nous disons au revoir. We say goodbye.
vous dites Vous dites la vérité. You tell the truth.
ils disent Ils disent qu’ils viennent. They say they’re coming.
elles disent Elles disent bonjour. They say hello.

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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: pouvoir conjugated in French present tense or aller conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full dire conjugation in all tenses.

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