Devoir Conjugation Present Tense – French

About The French verb devoir

Meaning of devoir

The French verb “devoir” in the present tense means “to have to” or “must.” It is used to express obligation, necessity, or duty.


  1. Je dois étudier pour l’examen. (I have to study for the exam.)
  2. Elle doit aller à l’école tous les jours. (She must go to school every day.)
  3. Nous devons finir ce projet avant demain. (We have to finish this project before tomorrow.)
  4. Vous devez respecter les règles. (You must respect the rules.)
  5. Ils doivent être ici à 8 heures. (They have to be here at 8 o’clock.)

Main Uses of the Verb Devoir

The French verb “devoir” is mostly used to talk about things you have to do or things you owe. When you use it with another verb, it means “must” or “have to.” For example, “Je dois faire mes devoirs” means “I have to do my homework.” It can also mean “to owe” when you talk about money or favors, like “Je te dois dix euros” which means “I owe you ten euros.” So, “devoir” helps you say what you need to do and what you owe to others.

Differences Compared to English

In French, “devoir” is a verb that means “must” or “have to.” It shows that something is necessary or a duty. For example, “Je dois faire mes devoirs” means “I have to do my homework.” In English, “devoir” is not a common word, but when it is used, it means “duty” or “obligation” and is usually found in more formal contexts. So, while in French it is mostly used as a verb, in English it is a noun and not used as often.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Devoir

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je dois Je dois finir mon travail. I have to finish my work.
tu dois Tu dois m’aider. You have to help me.
il doit Il doit étudier. He has to study.
elle doit Elle doit partir. She has to leave.
on doit On doit se dépêcher. We have to hurry.
nous devons Nous devons nous amuser. We have to have fun.
vous devez Vous devez travailler. You have to work.
ils doivent Ils doivent se préparer. They have to prepare.
elles doivent Elles doivent arriver. They have to arrive.

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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: venir conjugated in French present tense or falloir conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full devoir conjugation in all tenses.

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