Croire Conjugation Present Tense – French

About The French verb croire

Meaning of croire

The French verb croire means “to believe” in English. Here are a few simple examples of its usage in the present tense:

  • Je crois en toi. (I believe in you.)
  • Elle croit en Dieu. (She believes in God.)
  • Nous croyons en l’amour éternel. (We believe in eternal love.)
  • Vous croyez en vos capacités. (You believe in your abilities.)
  • Ils ne croient pas à cette théorie. (They don’t believe in this theory.)

Main Uses of the Verb Croire

The French verb “croire” means “to believe.” It can be used when you are talking about believing in something, like a fact or an idea. For example, you might say, “Je crois en toi,” which means “I believe in you.” You can also use “croire” to talk about thinking something is true, like saying, “Je crois que c’est vrai” (I believe it is true). Additionally, “croire” is often used in expressions about faith, like “croire en Dieu” (to believe in God).

Differences Compared to English

In French, “croire” means “to believe” and is used in some different ways than in English. For example, “croire en” means to trust or have faith in someone or something, like “croire en Dieu” (believe in God). In English, we might just say “believe” without needing the “en.” Also, in French, you can use “croire” with a direct object to mean thinking something is true, like “Je crois cette histoire” (I believe this story). In English, we often use “think” or “believe” without an extra word, making it a bit simpler.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Croire

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je crois Je crois en toi. I believe in you.
tu crois Tu crois à cette histoire. You believe in this story.
il croit Il croit en Dieu. He believes in God.
elle croit Elle croit en la science. She believes in science.
on croit On croit en l’amour. We believe in love.
nous croyons Nous croyons en la justice. We believe in justice.
vous croyez Vous croyez en la paix. You believe in peace.
ils croient Ils croient en la liberté. They believe in freedom.
elles croient Elles croient en la tolérance. They believe in tolerance.

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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: falloir conjugated in French present tense or prendre conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full croire conjugation in all tenses.

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