Venir Conjugation Present Tense – French

About The French verb venir

Meaning of venir

The French verb venir in the present tense means “to come.”

  1. Je viens du Canada. – I come from Canada.
  2. Tu viens à la fête ce soir? – Are you coming to the party tonight?
  3. Elle vient d’arriver à l’aéroport. – She has just arrived at the airport.
  4. Nous venons en aide aux victimes. – We are coming to the aid of the victims.
  5. Ils viennent de commencer à travailler. – They have just started working.

Main Uses of the Verb Venir

The French verb “venir” means “to come.” It’s used when talking about someone coming to a place, like “Je viens à la maison” which means “I come home.” It’s also used in phrases like “venir de” to say where someone is coming from, as in “Je viens de l’école” meaning “I come from school.” Another important use is in the recent past, where “venir de” plus another verb shows something just happened, like “Je viens de manger” meaning “I just ate.” These are the main ways people use “venir” in French.

Differences Compared to English

In French, “venir” means “to come,” just like in English. However, French people often use “venir de” to talk about something that just happened, which means “to have just done something.” For example, “Je viens de manger” means “I just ate.” In English, we don’t use “come” this way; we simply say “I just ate.” Also, in French, “venir” can be used with “pour” to explain why someone is coming, like “Je viens pour te voir” (I come to see you).

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Venir

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je viens Je viens de Paris. I come from Paris.
tu viens Tu viens avec moi ? Are you coming with me?
il vient Il vient d’arriver. He has just arrived.
elle vient Elle vient de manger. She has just eaten.
on vient On vient de partir. We have just left.
nous venons Nous venons de dîner. We have just had dinner.
vous venez Vous venez demain ? Are you coming tomorrow?
ils viennent Ils viennent de lire. They have just read.
elles viennent Elles viennent d’étudier. They have just studied.

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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: vouloir conjugated in French present tense or devoir conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full venir conjugation in all tenses.

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