Voir Conjugation Present Tense – French

About The French verb voir

Meaning of voir

The French verb “voir” means “to see” in the present tense. Some examples of its usage are:

  1. Je vois le film. (I see the movie.)
  2. Tu vois tes amis. (You see your friends.)
  3. Il voit un oiseau. (He sees a bird.)
  4. Elle voit sa famille. (She sees her family.)
  5. Nous voyons la mer. (We see the sea.)
  6. Vous voyez la tour Eiffel. (You see the Eiffel Tower.)
  7. Ils voient les étoiles. (They see the stars.)
  8. Elles voient un chat. (They see a cat.)
  9. On voit le soleil. (One sees the sun.)
  10. Les enfants voient un spectacle. (The children see a show.)

Main Uses of the Verb Voir

The French verb “voir” means “to see.” It is used when talking about looking at something with your eyes, like seeing a movie or looking at a beautiful view. You can also use “voir” when you want to say that you understand something, like when you say “I see what you mean.” Another use is to talk about meeting people, as in “I’m going to see my friend later.” Overall, “voir” helps you talk about things you look at, understand, or people you meet.

Differences Compared to English

In French, “voir” means “to see” and is used just like we use “see” in English. For example, you might say “Je vois un chien” which means “I see a dog.” In English, “see” can also mean to understand something clearly, like when you say “I see what you mean.” French also has a similar usage where “voir” can mean to understand, like saying “Je vois” for “I understand.” Both languages use the word to talk about seeing with your eyes and understanding with your mind.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Voir

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je vois Je vois mon ami. I see my friend.
tu vois Tu vois le film. You see the movie.
il voit Il voit la télé. He sees the TV.
elle voit Elle voit les étoiles. She sees the stars.
on voit On voit la ville. We see the city.
nous voyons Nous voyons la mer. We see the sea.
vous voyez Vous voyez la lune. You see the moon.
ils voient Ils voient le parc. They see the park.
elles voient Elles voient les arbres. They see the trees.

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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: Avoir conjugated in French present tense or etre in the present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full voir conjugation in all tenses.

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