Aller Conjugation in All 8 French Tenses

Aller in French is one of the most frequently used verbs in French. The meaning of aller is “to go”.

This article gives you aller conjugations in the most common indicative tenses of the French language, as well as some hints on how you would use them in everyday speech. This article will also help you to learn correct grammar so your speech and communication skills in French become top notch!

Why only the 8 indicative tenses? Because those are the tenses you’ll hear when practicing your French! There are 13 other tenses but they have more to do with mood and some intent. On top of that they’re rarely used, so even if you’re an intermediate or advanced French learner then the indicative 8 are ALL you need!

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French Tenses for Aller Conjugation

  1. PrĂ©sent. Something that is happening now. This can either be ongoing or instant. Eg: I go. / I’m going.
  2. Imparfait (imperfect). Used to describe ongoing, continual or habitual past events. Eg: I was going.
  3. PassĂ© simple is not common and normally found in formal or literary contexts. If you’re a beginner or even intermediate French learner then you can safely ignore it for now (but it’s still included below for convenience). Eg: I went.
  4. Passé composé. Widely used to talk about completed past actions. Eg: I went.
  5. Futur simple (simple future) is used when you intend to describe a general future state of being. Eg: I will go. Once again, beginners can generally ignore this conjugation as there’s a much simpler version (next in list) that will suffice for now.
  6. Futur proche (near future) describes an upcoming action. In English this would be “I am going to go …“. This should be your go to future tense when learning conjugations.
  7. Plus-que-parfait (pluperfect). This tense indicates that an action had taken place and was completed before another past action took place. Eg: I went before eating my meal
  8. Passé antérieur is not common at all (just like passé simple), and again is found in formal or literary contexts. Eg: I had gone.
  9. Futur antérieur (future perfect) is used to describe a future action that will be completed in the future before another action is started. For example: I will have gone before eating breakfast.

Mastering the conjugation of “aller” in at least 3 tenses (present, passĂ© composĂ© and futur proche is essential for becoming proficient in French. In fact I would concentrate on these 3 and only study the others when they come up in literature or other contexts.

Aller Présent Conjugation (Present):

PronounConjugationEnglish Translation
jevaisI go
tuvasyou go (singular)
il/ellevahe/she goes
nousallonswe go
vousallezyou go (plural)
ils/ellesvontthey go
Table – Aller Present Conjugation (PrĂ©sent)

Usage: The Présent tense for aller conjugation is used to express actions that are happening now or general truths. It is one of the most frequently used tenses in everyday language, as most of life is int he present! In literature, the Présent tense is also commonly used in dialogues to create a sense of immediacy and make the story more engaging. The English equivalent of the Présent tense is the simple present tense.

Example Sentences:

  1. Je vais au cinĂ©ma ce soir. (I’m going to the cinema tonight.)
  2. Tu vas Ă  la plage demain. (You are going to the beach tomorrow.)
  3. Ils vont Ă  l’Ă©cole tous les jours. (They go to school every day.)

Aller Imparfait Conjugation (Imperfect):

PronounConjugationEnglish Translation
j’allaisI used to go
tuallaisyou used to go (singular)
il/elleallaithe/she used to go
nousallionswe used to go
vousalliezyou used to go (plural)
ils/ellesallaientthey used to go
Table – Aller Imparfait Conjugation (Imperfect)

Imparfait Tense Usage: The Imparfait tense is used to describe ongoing or repeated actions, in the past. It is commonly used in everyday language to talk about past habits or continuous actions. In literature, the Imparfait is extensively used to narrate events and provide background information. The English equivalent of the Imparfait tense is the past continuous or past progressive tense. Although sometimes English shortens it to the general form “went”.

Example Sentences:

  1. J’allais souvent Ă  la bibliothèque. (I used to go to the library often.)
  2. Ils allaient Ă  l’Ă©cole en bus. (They used to go to school by bus.)
  3. Tu allais chez ton grand-père. (You used to go to your grandfather’s place.)

Aller Passé Simple Conjugation (simple past / preterite):

PronounConjugationEnglish Translation
j’allaisI went
tuallasyou went (singular)
il/elleallahe/she went
nousallâmeswe went
vousallâtesyou went (plural)
ils/ellesallèrentthey went
Table – Aller PassĂ© simple Conjugation (Past)

Usage: The PassĂ© simple tense is mainly used in written and formal French, particularly in literature, historical texts, and storytelling. It describes completed actions in the past and is rarely used in everyday spoken language. If you’re a newbie to French then you can safely ignore this tense for now. The English equivalent of the PassĂ© simple tense is the simple past tense or preterite.

Example Sentences:

  1. J’allais tĂ´t le matin. (I went early in the morning.)
  2. Elle alla Ă  Paris l’annĂ©e dernière. (She went to Paris last year.)
  3. Nous allâmes au restaurant hier soir. (We went to the restaurant last night.)

Aller Passé Composé Conjugation (Present Perfect):

PronounConjugationEnglish Translation
jesuis allé(e)I went
tues allé(e)you went (singular)
il/elleest allé(e)he/she went
noussommes allé(e)swe went
vousêtes allé(e)(s)you went (plural)
ils/ellessont allé(e)sthey went
Table – Aller PassĂ© composĂ© Conjugation (present perfect)

Usage: The PassĂ© composĂ© tense is commonly used to talk about completed actions in the past. It’s the most frequently used past tense in everyday language for spoken and informal written communication. The English equivalent of the PassĂ© composĂ© tense is the present perfect tense. It’s the tense you use most often in English to describe the past.

Example Sentences:

  1. Je suis allé(e) au marché ce matin. (I went to the market this morning.) pronunciation is the same regardless.
  2. Ils sont allés au cinéma hier soir. (They went to the cinema last night.)
  3. Nous sommes allĂ©(e)s Ă  la fĂŞte d’anniversaire. (We went to the birthday party.)

Note: The (e) is added on if you’re female – but pronunciation is exactly the same as the male versions.

Aller Futur Simple Conjugation (Future):

PronounConjugationEnglish Translation
j’iraiI will go
tuirasyou will go (singular)
il/elleirahe/she will go
nousironswe will go
vousirezyou will go (plural)
ils/ellesirontthey will go
TableAller Futur simple Conjugation (Future)

Usage: The Futur simple tense is used to express actions that will happen in the future. While it is used in everyday language, it’s not as common as other present and past tenses. You can safely ignore it for now! The English equivalent of the Futur simple tense is the simple future tense.

Example Sentences:

  1. J’irai Ă  la plage demain. (I will go to the beach tomorrow.)
  2. Tu iras Ă  la fĂŞte samedi soir. (You will go to the party on Saturday night.)
  3. Ils iront en vacances l’annĂ©e prochaine. (They will go on vacation next year.)

Aller Futur Proche Conjugation (Near Future):

PronounConjugationEnglish Translation
jevais allerI am going to go
tuvas alleryou are going to go (singular)
il/elleva allerhe/she is going to go
nousallons allerwe are going to go
vousallez alleryou are going to go (plural)
ils/ellesvont allerthey are going to go
Table – Aller Futur Proche Conjugation (Near Future)

Usage: The Futur Proche tense is used to express immediate or near-future actions. It’s commonly used in everyday language as a simpler way to express future intentions or plans compared to the Futur simple tense. The English equivalent of the Futur Proche tense is the near future tense (going to + verb).

Example Sentences:

  1. Je vais aller faire les courses. (I am going to go grocery shopping.)
  2. Ils vont aller au restaurant ce soir. (They are going to go to the restaurant tonight.)
  3. Nous allons aller au cinéma après le dîner. (We are going to go to the cinema after dinner.)

Aller Plus-que-parfait Conjugation (Pluperfect):

PronounConjugationEnglish Translation
j’Ă©tais allĂ©(e)I had gone
tuétais allé(e)you had gone (singular)
il/elleétait allé(e)he/she had gone
nousétions allé(e)swe had gone
vousétiez allé(e)(s)you had gone (plural)
ils/ellesétaient allé(e)sthey had gone
Table – Aller Plus-que-parfait Conjugation (Pluperfect)

Usage: The plus-que-parfait is used to describe an action that occurred before another action in the past. It somewhat corresponds to the English past perfect tense but not always! It’s kind of a uniquely French thing that strictly puts one action before another, best seen by example 2 below. The English equivalent of the Plus-que-parfait tense is the past perfect tense.

Example Sentences:

  1. J’Ă©tais dĂ©jĂ  allĂ©(e) Ă  Paris avant. (I had already gone to Paris before.)
  2. Il Ă©tait allĂ© Ă  l’Ă©cole avant que la pluie ne commence. (He had gone to school before it started raining.)
  3. Nous étions allé(e)s au musée avant la fermeture. (We had gone to the museum before it closed.)

Aller Passé Antérieur Conjugation (Past Infinitive):

PronounConjugationEnglish Translation
jefus allé(e)I had gone
tufus allé(e)you had gone (singular)
il/ellefut allé(e)he/she had gone
nousfûmes allé(e)swe had gone
vousfûtes allé(e)(s)you had gone (plural)
ils/ellesfurent allé(e)sthey had gone
Table – Aller PassĂ© AntĂ©rieur Conjugation (PassĂ© AntĂ©rieur)

Usage: For aller conjugations the Passé Anterior tense is a literary tense used in formal writing, particularly in literature and historical texts. It is similar in meaning to the Plus-que-parfait tense but is considered more archaic and MUCH less commonly used.

English Equivalent: The English equivalent of the Passé Anterior tense is the past perfect tense.

Example Sentences:

  1. Je fus allé(e) à cette exposition avant. (I had gone to that exhibition before.)
  2. Ils furent allés au château avant la tombée de la nuit. (They had gone to the castle before nightfall.)
  3. Nous fûmes allé(e)s à la campagne après le déjeuner. (We had gone to the countryside after lunch.)

Aller Futur Antérieur Conjugation (Future Perfect):

PronounConjugationEnglish Translation
jeserai allé(e)I will have gone
tuseras allé(e)you will have gone (singular)
il/ellesera allé(e)he/she will have gone
nousserons allé(e)swe will have gone
vousserez allé(e)(s)you will have gone (plural)
ils/ellesseront allé(e)sthey will have gone
Table – Aller Futur AntĂ©rieur Conjugation (Future Perfect)

Usage: The Futur Antérieur tense is used to express actions that will be completed in the future before another future event. It is more commonly used in formal writing and literature than in everyday spoken language.

English Equivalent: The English equivalent of the Futur Antérieur tense is the future perfect tense.

Example Sentences:

  1. Je serai allé(e) chez le médecin avant de te rendre visite. (I will have gone to the doctor before visiting you.)
  2. Ils seront allés au magasin avant la fermeture. (They will have gone to the store before closing time.)
  3. Nous serons allĂ©(e)s Ă  l’aĂ©roport avant le dĂ©part de l’avion. (We will have gone to the airport before the plane’s departure.)

Aller Conjugation Table Images (FREE to Download)

To download a file of all the aller conjugations click here. Alternatively click the images below for a full size version for you to keep, free of charge!

Wrap up

The verb aller conjugations aren’t too difficult to learn as long as you stick to present, futur proche and imparfait tenses. You can safely ignore the others for now (but do come back when you’re happily proficient in French).

If you’d like to read more about French verbs, conjugation and tenses then check out this article on how to master French verb conjugations. Lot’s of great tips in there if you’re struggling!

Other French Verb Conjugations You May be Interested In

We don’t only have aller conjugations! Here are some others you may want to check out! Also, check out this link which tells you the history of the word.

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