Savoir Conjugation Present Tense – French

About The French verb savoir

Meaning of savoir

The French verb savoir means “to know” in English. It is an irregular verb and does not follow a typical conjugation pattern.


  1. Je sais nager. (I know how to swim.)
  2. Elle sait parler français. (She knows how to speak French.)
  3. Nous savons où il habite. (We know where he lives.)
  4. Vous savez cuisiner très bien. (You know how to cook very well.)
  5. Ils ne savent pas quoi faire. (They don’t know what to do.)

Main Uses of the Verb Savoir

The French verb “savoir” means “to know.” It’s used to talk about knowing facts, information, or how to do something. For example, you use “savoir” if you want to say you know the answer to a question or know how to ride a bike. It’s also used when you know about a piece of information, like knowing someone’s name or knowing a fact from history. Unlike “connaître,” which is used to say you know a person or a place, “savoir” is all about knowing things and skills.

Differences Compared to English

“Savoir” is a French verb that means “to know,” but it’s used differently than “to know” in English. In French, “savoir” is used when talking about knowing facts, information, or how to do something. For example, you would say “Je sais nager” to mean “I know how to swim.” In English, “to know” can be used more broadly, but in French, if you are talking about knowing a person, you would use “connaître” instead of “savoir.” So, “Je connais Marie” means “I know Marie.”

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Savoir

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je sais Je sais nager. I know how to swim.
tu sais Tu sais quoi faire. You know what to do.
il sait Il sait parler anglais. He knows how to speak English.
elle sait Elle sait chanter. She knows how to sing.
on sait On sait jouer au tennis. We know how to play tennis.
nous savons Nous savons cuisiner. We know how to cook.
vous savez Vous savez lire. You know how to read.
ils savent Ils savent danser. They know how to dance.
elles savent Elles savent skier. They know how to ski.

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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: aller conjugated in French present tense or vouloir conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full savoir conjugation in all tenses.

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