Aimer Conjugation Present Tense – French

About The French verb aimer

Meaning of aimer

The French verb “aimer” means “to love” or “to like” in the present tense. It is used to express feelings of affection, enjoyment, or preference towards someone or something.


  1. Je aime la musique. (I love music.)
  2. Tu aimes les chiens. (You like dogs.)
  3. Il/Elle aime les vacances. (He/She loves vacations.)
  4. Nous aimons danser. (We like to dance.)
  5. Vous aimez le chocolat. (You like chocolate.)

Main Uses of the Verb Aimer

The French verb “aimer” means “to like” or “to love.” You can use it to talk about liking things, like “J’aime le chocolat,” which means “I like chocolate.” It can also mean loving people, such as “J’aime ma famille,” which means “I love my family.” Sometimes, the meaning depends on the context. For example, “J’aime bien ce film” usually means “I quite like this movie,” which is a bit less strong than just “J’aime ce film.”

Differences Compared to English

In French, “aimer” can mean both “to like” and “to love,” depending on the context. For example, “J’aime le chocolat” means “I like chocolate,” while “J’aime ma mère” means “I love my mom.” In English, we have separate words for these feelings: “like” for things we enjoy and “love” for people or things we feel very strongly about. So, French uses one word where English uses two different words to show different levels of feeling.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Aimer

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je aime Je aime la musique. I love music.
tu aimes Tu aimes danser. You love to dance.
il aime Il aime les animaux. He loves animals.
elle aime Elle aime la nature. She loves nature.
on aime On aime voyager. We love to travel.
nous aimons Nous aimons lire. We love to read.
vous aimez Vous aimez le cinéma. You love cinema.
ils aiment Ils aiment jouer au foot. They love playing soccer.
elles aiment Elles aiment cuisiner. They love to cook.

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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: parler conjugated in French present tense or passer conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full aimer conjugation in all tenses.

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