Passer Conjugation Present Tense – French

About The French verb passer

Meaning of passer

The French verb “passer” in the present tense means “to pass” or “to go by.”


  1. Je passe devant chez toi. (I am passing by your house.)

  2. Nous passons un bon moment ensemble. (We are having a good time together.)

  3. Tu passes trop de temps sur ton téléphone. (You spend too much time on your phone.)

  4. La voiture passe le feu rouge. (The car is running the red light.)

  5. Ils passent leurs vacances à la plage. (They are spending their vacation at the beach.)

Main Uses of the Verb Passer

The French verb “passer” has many uses. It can mean to pass by or go past something, like “Je passe devant l’école” which means “I pass by the school.” It also can mean to spend time, as in “Je passe du temps avec mes amis” meaning “I spend time with my friends.” “Passer” can also mean to take an exam, like “Je passe un examen” which means “I take an exam.” Lastly, it can mean to hand something to someone, such as “Peux-tu me passer le sel?” which means “Can you pass me the salt?”

Differences Compared to English

In French, “passer” can mean to spend time, to pass by, or to take an exam. For example, you might say “Je vais passer le week-end chez mes grands-parents” which means “I will spend the weekend at my grandparents’.” In English, “pass” usually means to go by something or to succeed in a test. For instance, you might say “I passed the ball” or “I passed my math test.” So, while “passer” and “pass” have similar meanings, “passer” is used in a wider variety of situations in French.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Passer

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je passe Je passe mes vacances en France. I spend my vacation in France.
tu passes Tu passes du temps avec tes amis. You spend time with your friends.
il passe Il passe son examen demain. He takes his exam tomorrow.
elle passe Elle passe sa journée au travail. She spends her day at work.
on passe On passe une bonne soirée. We have a good evening.
nous passons Nous passons l’après-midi au parc. We spend the afternoon at the park.
vous passez Vous passez vos vacances en Grèce. You spend your vacation in Greece.
ils passent Ils passent leurs vacances à la plage. They spend their vacation at the beach.
elles passent Elles passent leur temps ensemble. They spend time together.

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Passer Present Conjugation Chart
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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: aimer conjugated in French present tense or etre conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full passer conjugation in all tenses.

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