Vouloir Conjugation Present Tense – French

About The French verb vouloir

Meaning of vouloir

The French verb vouloir means “to want” or “to wish” in English. It is an irregular verb and is conjugated as je veux, tu veux, il/elle veut, nous voulons, vous voulez, ils/elles veulent.


  1. Je veux du café. (I want some coffee.)
  2. Tu veux venir avec moi? (Do you want to come with me?)
  3. Il veut une nouvelle voiture. (He wants a new car.)
  4. Nous voulons visiter la Tour Eiffel. (We want to visit the Eiffel Tower.)
  5. Est-ce que vous voulez un croissant? (Do you want a croissant?)

Main Uses of the Verb Vouloir

The French verb “vouloir” means “to want.” It’s used when you want to say what you or someone else wants, like “Je veux un gâteau” (I want a cake). You can also use it to ask politely for something, like “Je voudrais un verre d’eau” (I would like a glass of water). Another use is to express willingness, as in “Elle veut bien t’aider” (She is willing to help you). Overall, “vouloir” helps you talk about desires, requests, and willingness in French.

Differences Compared to English

In French, “vouloir” means “to want.” It is used to express a desire or wish, just like “want” in English. However, “vouloir” can also be used more politely to ask for something, like when you say “je voudrais” which means “I would like.” This is softer and more polite than just saying “I want.” In English, we usually use “would like” instead of “want” to sound polite.

Chart – Present Tense Conjugation of Vouloir

Pronoun Conjugation Example Usage English Translation
je veux Je veux du pain. I want some bread.
tu veux Tu veux venir ? Do you want to come?
il veut Il veut jouer. He wants to play.
elle veut Elle veut un chat. She wants a cat.
on veut On veut de l’aide. We want some help.
nous voulons Nous voulons rester. We want to stay.
vous voulez Vous voulez manger ? Do you want to eat?
ils veulent Ils veulent partir. They want to leave.
elles veulent Elles veulent danser. They want to dance.

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Another Common Verb Conjugation

If you enjoyed this conjugation you may want to see another common French verb conjugation: savoir conjugated in French present tense or venir conjugated in present tense.

Alternatively you can also check out the full vouloir conjugation in all tenses.

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