The importance of correct point usage within grammatical correctness

The points have a wide grammatical and reflective value, because this punctuation mark is one of the most basic ones, with which it is warned or demonstrated that the end of a sentence or a paragraph exists, however within its classification the purpose of it varies. The use of the period has too many variations,…

How can we correct the Spanish confusion between “ahí”, “hay” and “ay”?

In the common expression many times the use of different words in spanish are confused, since they can be heard the same, but they are written different, therefore they have a different meaning, this happens with the incorrect use of “ahí”, “hay”, and “ay”  that can make the sense of a text lost. The incredible…

Importance of vocabulary management for a proofreader

The adaptation and mastery of the vocabulary is essential to serve as an online corrector, because otherwise the system can mark errors that do not exist, that is, when words are implemented in some locations, and are unknown in others, it can be taken or classified as some spelling error. Even those unique words or…

The most frequent grammatical errors that a proofreader fights

Without a doubt, the tools for correcting and revising texts are one of the best implementations, but nevertheless, it is necessary to learn the grammatical errors that it throws up, in order to grow within the writing itself, it is like recognizing where the fault lies. This requires an understanding of the rules of Spanish…

What is the importance of using a corrector and having good spelling?

In the past, the desire to preserve good spelling could be translated into an immense mountain of books and dictionaries, but nowadays, with the excessive but productive reach of technology, it is possible to revise some text through the online corrector, and its functions lie in the importance of writing well. In the end, mistakes…

Know the properties of a text that a proofreader takes into account

In order to know if a text is good or not, it is necessary to know its properties because they compose and nourish it so that it has the best possible form, and this is thanks to the coherence along with the cohesion, they are two vital elements within a text. That is the difference…

Can proofreaders be applied to any type of text?

We live under the uncertainty or the challenge of accommodating in terms of coherence some texts that have been translated, however this becomes more complicated when it comes to a particular type of writing, especially when it comes to legal or financial compositions. Proofreaders are designed for all kinds of challenges, even if they are…

Why is it important for a professional writer to use the grammar checker?

The importance of knowing and armoring oneself within this area for any professional writer is imminent, or in itself for any person, since it is a great insecurity and indignation to observe spelling errors as rude as “to have” in confusion of the use of “to see”. To avoid making this type of mistake and…

How do you review scientific texts?

The infinity of style to which grammatical correctors are submitted complicates their performance but it is not impossible, this happens with scientific texts because they contain many linguistic details to be considered, however all this is handled and executed systematically for greater effectiveness. Since each element has to be adapted in the same tune of…